Overall Story Setting future (but not too distant) Off world colonies exist, but are distant / prohibitively expensive to travel to and from Nearly all colonies are at best close to earth, thus food production and living on colonies is difficult, with only the top few having access to latest technologies and quality goods. As equipment is difficult to produce without earth quality infrastructure, and food difficult to grow. The law of the land is death penalty for destruction of colonial property (crops or equipment etc) As conditions are tough, protests are common, as is accidental/intentional destruction of property. Thus many are disappeared in protests. Private enterprise (UASA) steps in with a solution. Modify human subjects to be suited to traditionally hostile environments. Subjects can now colonize a wider range of planets, thus more resources are available between colonies and earth. In reality these subjects are essentially slaves serving the company as a cheap, voicless workforce Most humans would not do this voluntarily. Governments have many people on death row, giving them to company saves time, and is considered at least better than death. Lifetime slavery with genetic modification is considerd the lesser of two evils with the potential to one day improve life across the colonies. General public has no knowledge of this, goods simply arrive and all are happy. There is no contact with the genetic slave worlds. -------------------------------------------- All events take place on one such genetic slavery research and development ship. They are working with specifically reptilian and insect genetics. In an effort to increase training and group dynamics among slaves, the goal is to induce a more hive like mentality into the slave populations to reduce administrative requirements of running the slave colonies. The goal is more than met, the insect test subjects begin to form into a singular hive mind that is now unexpectedly coordinated across the ship. The insect population descends into madness and gains control of most of the ship. Ship enters emergency procedures and auto plots a course back to inhabited space for recovery. Humans race to flee and scuttle the ship before civilization discovers their illicit and abhorrent activity. Reptilian test subjects seek revenge and escape before the humans can destroy the ship. Insects learn to govern their thoughts in this new singular hive mind and seek survival against all who have wronged them. Chapter 1 Krys is rounded up during a protest along with many others. She awakens in a cell with no knowledge of the genetic modifications taking place on the ship. Is even unaware she is on a ship. Marcus arrives early and guides the character through the ship and the mutations that are happening. Trying to escape and come to terms with mutation effects. Chapter 2 MC (Hidan) & SC (female) MC is a resistance operative who infiltrated the ship with Marcus to rescue SC who is the resistance leader that was captured some time ago. Goal is escape and ensure ship survives so evidence can be used against the governemnt Marcus is not found, SC mutates into insect creature and merges with hivemind. Chapter 3 Insect hive mind is now awake. Because humans and reptiles have been killing insects this whole time, insects are very hostile to both parties. Ultimately just wants to survive. Goal is purge ship of humans and reptiles and seize ship. However, has no way to controlling the ship. Needs Marcus. Marcus is revealed to have been captured as a spy, and thus tortured using nasty genetics to merge him physically with the ships AI (HERA) as a means of extracting information. Marcus is left alone during crisis and overcame HERA and began to take control the ship. This is how he has been the absent guide. His goal is the bring down the humans and simply die as his mutations are beyond gruesome. Insect hive mind offer's to accept him into the collective and he accepts. Giving the insects full control of the ship. At this point the crazy 3 way ending must be figured out. Characters Marcus Krys Queen MC- SC- Faction personality Human (exploitation) Crafty Selfish shortsighted sometimes (very not my problem/backyard) Reptile (revenge) Victim mentality Reactionary Quick to violence Decisive Loyalty is to group, not individual --> individuals left to die if too big a burden on group Insect (consumption) Group mind, queen is sum of all minds in the hive. Always growing Stubborn as all minds need convincing Smart Chapter 1 learn about environment and races learn about mutation the hard way Krys wakes in cell learn of creature vision right away, considered cool perk at the time meet Marcus meet humans and insects become reptile reveal environment is a ship en route to colony, humans planning to scuttle ship find escape and revenge catch up to escaping humans but stay ahead of insect horde meet insect queen catch rest of humans, get forced into insect sections of the ship eventually get a boss fight, but are forced to choose mutation (legs) boss will be massive egg layer Chapter 1 Cutscenes/Events mutation 1 before fall sci talk CYOA lose buddies (mutation saves you) --> corporate ads in sales level: played by HERA as dialog traps --> use dialog traps for announcements / sales pitch during fighting reveal new insect varieties (worm!) chapter 2 MC is searching for SC(resistance leader) & Marcus(spy partner) MC is resistance fighter MC starts before insect rebellion MC has buddies go investigate loss of cameras in insect wing discover feral insect population (not mutated yet) buddies die a lot. MC alone eventually finds SC together try find Marcus and escape SC starts to mutate a bit eventually contacted by Marcus ala chapter 1 Marcus tells MC & SC what is happening across the ship learn of mutation crazy SC is terrified, feel hive mind waking up find head doctor, try stop process SC eventually loses to hive mind (and crazy talks a lot) before going tells MC to leave her and Marcus, just run will try to help Marcus as part of hive mind chapter 2 cutscenes/events intro riots capture of SC Marcus explains the ship situation in detail MC finds SC trapped, together blast enemies SC mutates legs to insect high biped talk to head doctor, find out: - was best way, prisoners were death sentence as colonies fragile - this is only way for them to live, they get profit, new 'life', government keeps working - humanity must change to fill the new niches of space - was not intended to go this far, got greedy SC loses to hive mind chapter 3 Play as queen wake up gather a large group, defend hive (offensively) start in insect area of ship, fully overgrown use creature vision to move around kill many humans and reptiles as they meddle too much/cause too much pain (loss of minds is traumatic) plot takeover of ship (note that ship is moving and is in space) find Marcus all mutated into ship offer Marcus place in hive mind, Marcus accepts Final Choices/Endings Status, insects in control of ship few humans left lots of reptiles still around ending 1,2,3: battle all 3 as any side 1- reptile or human version -Marcus pleads your surrender -agree: you get to escape pod out to the colony -disagree: fight to the death! 2- insect version: offer surrender -humans do not agree, try to scuttle ship first (MC takes offer, leaves others behind to fight) -reptiles agree Sequel Alien contact Alien race: Emotions: honour/fear, fear tied with failing group pride / anger, anger is not applied to individuals, but entire group loss / respect, causes conflict to negative feedback All geared to reinforce group unity Society: unified, but slow stagnant, general fear/anger to change very satisfied with current state of affairs Conflict: Human race is opposite Very flexible (modifies own genetics for progress) Never satisfied with current state Alien civil war as some take up previously unthought of human methods - Group 1: fear/honour they resist change - Group 2: anger pride, self identify into new group and resent group 1, group 1 fears group 2 Human factions: insect, reptile, normal can side with Group 1 or 2 or both